Ackuretta SOL
The perfect same-day chair-side solution for digital dentistry. SOL sets the bar for high-speed and high-precision 3D printing. Achieve three times the speed of a regular LCD printer and maximize accuracy thanks to its 95+% LED light uniformity. The dynamic LED auto-selects curing areas to enhance accuracy and extend component life.
Ackuretta CLEANI - Dual Tank Washer
CLEANI is designed with dual tanks for a two-stage cleaning process that allows for heavy and fine washes. With a workflow that’s three times faster, CLEANI consumes 50% less alcohol than a manual wash and effectively removes 90% of uncured resins from prints.
Ackuretta CURIE - UV Oven
Curie is equipped with a sophisticated UV-light source management system that enables users to do more in less time and space. Produce consistent results thanks to preloaded curing times and easily add new material settings with its built-in SD Card reader. Curie empowers you to deliver premium quality to your stakeholders at affordable prices and in a short time.