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Personal Inhaler Plus+™ Scavenging Circuit II Autoclavable Each

X-ray compatible and autoclavable, the Accutron Scavenging Circuit consists of a clear exhalation valve hub, a vacuum control assembly and a continuum of tubing. The transparent hub permits visual monitoring of patient respiration during dental procedures. In addition, the hub's low-profile design offers an expanded field of operation. The circuit's precision vacuum-control assembly allows for vacuum flow at the ADA's recommended rate of 45 liters per minute.
Contains: 1 scavenging circuit with vacuum control valve, corrugated tube, 1 reservoir bag and 1 complimentary sampling of single-use PIP+™ nasal hoods (nasal hoods included are representative of all sizes available)
Pkg: Each Latex Free: Yes
ADS Item #: 003332007
Manuf Part #: 32007
Manufacturer: Accutron
Category: Infection Control
Subcategory: InfectCntrl - Nitrous System Accessories
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