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Instrument Kit w/2 Handles

The Trimax™ instrument gives dentistry a better way to create posterior composite restorations. Improved polymerization of deep restorations as well as tight anatomically correct contact areas are only two of the Trimax™ instrument’s many benefits. The micro light guides have a marginal ridge guide that lights up when curing and can be used in a number of different positions. By combining the inherent advantages of optically clear disposable micro light guides that are shaped to fit different size teeth and an ergonomically correct triangular instrument handle, the Trimax™ instrument makes ideal posterior composite placement easy, fast and accurate.
Contains: Kit w/2 Handles
ADS Item #: 0035110001
Manuf Part #: 110001
Manufacturer: Addent
Category: Cosmetic Restorative
Subcategory: Cosmetic Rest. - Accessories
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