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Monarch™ Surface Disinfectant Wipes Large 6 x 6.75 in. Pkg/160

Monarch All-Purpose Wipes are non-woven, cellulose towelettes that quickly absorb and remove spills and blood. Available in 6" x 6.75" or the larger 7" x 9" size which enables you to clean more effectively, turn the operatory more quickly. Can be used on any surface.
Pkg: Pkg/160 Case Quantity: 12
Size: 6" x 6.75" Active Ingredients: Ethyl alcohol 72.5%
Type: Can
ADS Item #: 0127H6186
Manuf Part #: H6186
Manufacturer: Air Techniques
Category: Infection Control
Subcategory: InfectCntrl - Wipes
Note: Must Buy 12 of same to get best pricing
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