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Anutra Buffering Delivery System Platinum Refill Lidocaine HCl 2% Epinephrine 1:100,000 50 mL Each

Leveraging the science of buffering increases the predictability and speed at which a patient can get numb. This, in turn, creates a better patient experience and increases the efficiency of the practitioner. Through buffering, the doctor can remain chairside to get most patients profoundly numb in as little as 2 minutes. The closed mixing system offers extreme patient safety in the delivery and buffering of local anesthetic. Via patented, filtered, uniflow, and sterile-path technology, the cassette is able to maintain the vial’s sterility for up to 7 days.
Contains: (50) Feedback Aspirating Syringes/(100) 30g Needles/(4) Cassettes/(4) 50ml Vials 2% Lidocaine w Epinephrine 1:100000/(4) 10ml Vials Sodium Bicarbonate (8.4% USP)
ADS Item #: 0282PR-1002-30
Manuf Part #: ANU PR-1002-30
Manufacturer: Anutra Medical
Category: Anesthetics
Subcategory: Anesthetics - Injectable
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