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Buffalo Sheet Resin Materials measure 5”x5”. Made from 100% pure grade resins, they are uniform in size, cut, and thickness. Buffalo Sheet Resin Materials will not bubble, craze, or fracture for superior adaptations every time. Base Plate Material: .060" - Thin base plates Pink Tray Material: .080"& .100" - Medium & thick base plates Blue Tray Material: .125"& .150"- Custom Trays Coping Material: .020" - Copings, flexible splints, crown & bridge temporaries. Temporary Splint Material: .020" - Clear splints for crown & bridge temporaries, surgical packing, and stabilization. Separates from acrylic. Thin Mouthguard Material: .080" - Thin mouthguards for non-contact sports, soft splints, and custom fluoride trays. Mouthguard and Sta-Guard Mouthguard Materials: .150" - Thicker mouthguards, resilient bruxism splints, and custom fluoride trays.
ADS Item #: 105362750
Manuf Part #: 62750
Manufacturer: Buffalo Dental
Category: Laboratory Products
Subcategory: Lab - Vacuum Forming Material
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