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GUM Orthodontic Dental Kit Pkg/12

Tools for the orthodontic patient in one convenient package: Toothbrush designed to clean both the tooth and orthodontic brackets, Proxabrush® Go-Betweens® clean between the teeth and archwire, Orthodontic Wax to protect mouth form abrasion. Orthodontic Floss to maneuver around brackets.
Contains: 1 of each: GUM orthodontic toothbrush, GUM Easy Thread Floss sample pack, set of GUM Proxabrush Go-Betweens Cleaners (tight, moderate & wide) & GUM orthodontic wax (mint flavored).
ADS Item #: 1120124RGK
Manuf Part #: 124PQ
Manufacturer: Sunstar
Category: Preventive Prophy
Subcategory: Preventive - Orthodontic Aides
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