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GingiTrac™ MiniMix® Retraction System VPS Unit Dose 1:1 Refill Kit

GingiTrac is a medium-viscosity, vinyl polysiloxane (VPS) gingival retraction paste with 15% ammonium aluminum sulfate (alum) that gently displaces the gingiva from the tooth and stops bleeding. When used with GingiCap™ compression caps, the mechanical bite pressure of GingiCap combined with the astringent action of aluminum sulfate works to control bleeding and seepage in just minutes. GingiTrac cleans up easily and completely, without tissue trauma. GingiTrac is compatible with all impression materials and can be used as the second cord in a 2-cord _x000B_technique. And GingiTrac serves as its own preview of the final impression so you can be sure of a quality impression every time. • Works gently, no tissue trauma or damage, and no need for cord • Contains ammonium aluminum sulfate astringent to control bleeding and oozing • Minimum set time of 2 minutes • Removes cleanly in one piece, no need to rinse off • Gives a preview of the final impression • Made in the USA
Contains: 48 cartridges, 80 Gingicaps, 40 of each size: regular and large; 48 mixing tips
Brand Name: GingiTrac™ MiniMix® Active Ingredients: 15% Ammonium Aluminum Sulfate
ADS Item #: 1268360069
Manuf Part #: 360069
Manufacturer: Centrix
Category: Impression Materials
Subcategory: Impressioning - Retraction
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