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Gradia® Indirect Restoration System – Opaque SyringeOD2

Gradia® Opaque Syringe is to be used with the Gradria® Indirect Restoration System. Gradia® is a light cured micro-ceramic composite system for crown and bridge, inlays, onlays and veneers. This micro-fine, ceramic/pre-polymer filler with a urethane dimethacrylate matrix produces a superior ceramic composite with exceptionally high strength, wear resistance and superior polishability. • Biocompatible and kind to opposing teeth • Level of translucency and light transmission is similar to natural dentition • Builds up like porcelain without shrinking or firing in furnace • Polymerize with short 10-second irradiation times using the GC StepLight SL-I during layering and characterization • GC Labolight LV-III is used for final curing
Shade: OD2 Type: Syringe
Size: 2.4 ml
ADS Item #: 1479001434
Manuf Part #: 001434
Manufacturer: GC America
Category: Cosmetic Restorative
Subcategory: Cosmetic Rest. - Composite Light Cure
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