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everX Flow™ Bulk Syringe - 3.7 g Shade Dentin Each

everX Flow™ Flowable Composite Syringe is a short-fiber reinforced flowable composite dentin replacement material suitable for bulk filling, core buildup and dentin replacement. Although everX Flow features a high strength and fracture toughness, it should always be covered with a layer of light-cured universal restorative composite to ensure sufficient wear resistance.
Contains: (1) 3.4 g syringe and 20 dispensing tips
Pkg: Each Type: Syringe
Shade: Dentin Brand Name: everX Flow™
Size: 3.7 gm
ADS Item #: 1479012899
Manuf Part #: 012899
Manufacturer: GC America
Category: Cosmetic Restorative
Subcategory: Cosmetic Rest. - Flowables
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