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Gradia® Plus Indirect Restoration Heavy Body Paste GHB-2

Gradia® Plus Modular Composite System is for use with indirect restorations and is composed of the latest ceramic polymer technology. This high-strength, nanohybrid composite is light curing and offers brightness, translucency, chroma and natural opalescence that is similar to porcelain. • Compact and cost-effective • For metal-free inlays, veneers, crowns, bridges and implant superstructures • Effective with classic, multichromatic buildup or monolithic approach
Shade: GHB-2 Type: Bottle
Size: 3.3 ml
ADS Item #: 1479901088
Manuf Part #: 901088
Manufacturer: GC America
Category: Cosmetic Restorative
Subcategory: Cosmetic Rest. - Composite Light Cure
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