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Pala cre-active Light Cure Indirect Shade Shade Gingiva Pink

Pala cre-active is the light-curing color fluid system for the characterization of dentures and the creation of a more natural, personalized appearance. Pala cre-active is universally manageable due to the structural viscosity of the liquid stains, and can be used to individualize conventional, digital, and hybrid dentures. Pala cre-active comes in various colors and consistencies, and is available as a set or as a Shade.
Shade: Gingiva Pink Type: Syringe
Size: 3 gm
ADS Item #: 154166033463
Manuf Part #: 66033463
Manufacturer: Kulzer
Category: Cosmetic Restorative
Subcategory: Cosmetic Rest. - Composite Light Cure
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