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Core Paste Syringeable is a creamy radiopaque paste developed specifically for high strength reliable core build-ups under fixed prosthesis when there is insufficient coronal tooth structure available. It has a syringeable formulation with dual-cartridge and automixing tip, and a one appointment post. Also it comes in various colors and is self/dual cure. Some of its benefits are fast, easy dispensing requiring no mixing and creating no mess, and it eliminates the need for cast post. Core Paste Syringeable can be used with a prefabricated post, if desired, and is readily distinguishable from tooth structure. It enhances the esthetics of translucent restorations and assures complete polymerization, convenient in all situations.
ADS Item #: 1875030635100
Manuf Part #: 030635100
Manufacturer: Den-Mat
Category: Cosmetic Restorative
Subcategory: Cosmetic Rest. - Core Build-Up
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