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Tenure® Multipurpose Bonding System Liquid Kit

Tenure® A and B multipurpose, self-cure adhesive bonds to enamel, dentin, porcelain, composite and metal. Indicated for bonding all routine direct and indirect resin composites, porcelain, ceramic veneers, amalgams, precious and semi-precious metals, indirect gold, porcelain, and ceramic inlays and onlays, and crown prep desensitization prior to impression/temp. Tenure® S is a single component, light cured, hydrophilic bonding agent that further enhances bonding. When used in combination with Tenure A and B, Tenure S offers even greater bond strengths to intraoral surfaces.
Contains: 1 (6 ml) bottle Tenure A adhesive, 1 (6 ml) bottle Tenure B adhesive, 1 (6 ml) syringe Tenure S Bond Enhancer, 1 (3 ml) syringe Tenure S Filled, 1 (3 ml) bottle Etch ’N’ Seal and accessories
Pkg: Kit
ADS Item #: 1875031146000
Manuf Part #: 031146000
SDS: Download SDS Information
Manufacturer: Den-Mat
Category: Cosmetic Restorative
Subcategory: Cosmetic Rest. - Bonding
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