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Virtuoso® Flowable Light-Cure Composite 1 gm Syringe A2 Pkg/4

Virtuoso Flowable is a light-cured, low viscosity resin composite ideal for small restorations with difficult access. Its bubble-free, flowable consistency along with its precision needle dispensing tip, make handling fast and easy. Material has a wear rate equal to amalgam and is self-smoothing for easy finishing and polishing. Indications include: •Pit and fissure sealant •Class III, V and VI •Repairing margins •Small preventative occlusal restorations •Blockout of undercuts •Tunnel prep filling •Incisal repair •Filling and adding to provisionals
Contains: 4 (1 g) syringes
Pkg: Pkg/4 Type: Syringe
Shade: A2 Active Ingredients: With Fluoride
Size: 1 gm
ADS Item #: 1875032381815
Manuf Part #: 032381815
SDS: Download SDS Information
Manufacturer: Den-Mat
Category: Cosmetic Restorative
Subcategory: Cosmetic Rest. - Flowables
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