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STAINO® Interdental Brush Small Cylindrical 2 pack Refill Pkg/36

No matter the task – be it removing plaque and food particles between and around teeth, bridge abutments, implants and braces or removing tobacco, coffee, red wine, cola and other tooth surface stains – STAINO® offers the ideal, shape and size interdental brush and easy to use handle to work quickly and efficiently. Ultra-fine white aluminum oxide – a proven dental stain removing abrasive – is blended within the nylon bristles for faster more effective plaque and stain removal. Other manufacturers’ interdental brushes are just nylon and work solely on the basis of friction.
Contains: (36) 2-brush units (72 brushes)
Pkg: Pkg/36 Shape: Taper
Color: Green/White Taper: Wide
Brand Name: STAINO®
ADS Item #: 18831504
Manuf Part #: 1504
Manufacturer: Dedeco
Category: Preventive Prophy
Subcategory: Preventive - Interdental Brushes
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