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Twin Luscent® Anchors X-Small Pkg/15

Twin Luscent Anchors are fiberglass reinforced posts creating a cohesive and strong foundation for restorations. The anchor’s two ends offer deeper placement in wider or narrower canals. The cone-shaped end is used in narrower canals, preventing excess removal of dentin or canal wall. The parallel-end is used in wider canals and can be refined with drills. • Vent groove eliminates air entrapment and prevents rotational dislocation • Slim mid-section creates a “physical choke.” • Slim mid-section provides double retention against accidental debonding • Low modulus of elasticity (20.1 Gpa) • Flexural strength (579 Mpa) • Compatible for use with most light-cured adhesives and resins
Contains: 15 X-Small Twin Luscent Anchors, 15 Assorted Core Forms-to-fit
Pkg: Pkg/15 Brand Name: Twin Luscent®
Color: White Depth Marker
ADS Item #: 1893LUT-315
Manuf Part #: LUT-XS15
Manufacturer: Dentatus USA
Category: Endodontics
Subcategory: Endo - Posts
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