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Acu-Tip® Portable Cauterizing Instrument Kit

The battery-powered Acu-Tip® Portable Cauterizing Instrument cauterizes faster, more easily, and more safely than other methods. • Provides hemostasis • Removes soft tissue and lesions • Trims gingiva before impressions • Safer to use than large, expensive AC-powered cauterizing systems • DC battery power eliminates the risk of electric shock to patients or staff • Non-hazardous to pacemakers • Self-contained unit quickly reaches 2,200°F (1,200°C) • Operates for 35 to 40 continuous minutes on two AA batteries included • Penlight-sized handle weighs only 3 oz
Contains: (1) cauterizer, (4) short tips, (2) AA batteries
Pkg: Pkg/1 Brand Name: Acu-Tip®
ADS Item #: 279570-51711
Manuf Part #: 7051711
Manufacturer: Practicon
Category: Instruments - Surgical
Subcategory: Instr / Surg - Periodontal Knives
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