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VacuGrip™ Indirect Restoration Holding Aids Pkg/25

Crowns, inlays, onlays, and veneers can be slippery and difficult to grasp with fingers or forceps while preparing them for delivery. The VacuGrip Indirect Restoration Holding Aid uses the power of your high-speed vacuum to hold these small indirect restorations securely and eliminates the risk of dropping or damaging them. Remove the sponge to expose the screened opening for air abrasion and microetching procedures, and let VacuGrip send the spent aluminum oxide particles out the vacuum. • Wide, funnel-shaped opening provides a soft surface that is ideal for etching, rinsing, and silanization • Safely and completely evacuates all liquids • Fits all HVE valves
Pkg: Pkg/25 Brand Name: VacuGrip™
ADS Item #: 27957042628
Manuf Part #: 7042628
Manufacturer: Practicon
Category: Cosmetic Restorative
Subcategory: Cosmetic Rest. - Accessories
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