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Explorer #DG16/17 Double End, 31 Round Handle

Used for caries and calculus detection, exploration of pocket characteristics, furcation's and restorations. Hu-Friedy explorers are hand crafted from Duraspond steel, a specially blended steel alloy which provides flexibility and resilience for even the most precise diagnostic procedures.
Pkg: Pkg/1 Handle: 31 Round
Design Name: Endo Handle Shape: Round
Design Number: DG16/17 Working Ends: Double
Handle Material: Duraspond Steel
ADS Item #: 3282EXDG16-17
Manuf Part #: EXDG16/17
Manufacturer: Hu-Friedy
Category: Instruments - Diagnostic
Subcategory: Instr / Diag - Explorers - Double End
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