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Revolution™ Dispensing Tips Black 22 Gauge Pkg/100

Revolution Formula 2™ is a flowable, light-cure, hybrid resin restorative suitable for Class III, Class IV, and Class V restorations. Additional functions include repair of enamel defects, repair of porcelain restorations, minor occlusal build-ups in nonstress bearing areas, pit and fissure sealant, cement for ceramic/composite veneers, incisal brasions and core build-ups. •Fluoride release •Slump-resistant handling
Pkg: Pkg/100 Color: Black
Size: 22 Gauge
ADS Item #: 3604450119
Manuf Part #: 450119
Manufacturer: Kerr Restoratives
Category: Cosmetic Restorative
Subcategory: Cosmetic Rest. - Flowables
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