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Teethmate™ Desensitizer Set

TEETHMATE DESENSITIZER is a biocompatible desensitizing agent that is easy to use. Hydroxyapatite (HAp) is a mineral that is naturally found in enamel and dentin. When applied to the dentin and/or enamel surface, TEETHMATE DESENSITIZER creates HAp, sealing dental tubules and cracks in the enamel. TEETHMATE DESENSITIZER is indicated to prevent a variety of dentinal sensitivity challenges, such as cervical sensitivity (exposed dentin), before/after bleaching, scaling or root planning and underneath restorations. TEETHMATE DESENSITIZER is highly biocompatible. It is free of gum irritants such as glutaraldehyde or methacrylates. Results are immediate and last long lasting and there is no interference with adhesives.
Contains: (1) Powder - 6g, (1) Liquid - 4.8ml, (1) Mixing Dish, (1) Measuring Spoon, (50) Applicator Brush
ADS Item #: 37351210KA
Manuf Part #: 1210KA
Manufacturer: Kuraray
Category: Cosmetic Restorative
Subcategory: Cosmetic Rest. - Accessories
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