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3M™ Paradigm™ Penta™ VPS Impression Material Heavy Body Reg Set Refill

Paradigm™ VPS Impression Materials are designed to capture detail and margins for consistent and accurate impressions. To be used with the Pentamix™ mixing unit and indicated for crowns and bridges, bleaching trays, study models, denture impressions and provisional impressions. •Easy extrusion and easy to use •Hydrophilic •Great flow yet does not drip or slump •Good tear strength and recovery from deformation •Great for all indications
Contains: 2 (300 ml) foil bags base and 2 (60 ml) foil bags catalyst
Pkg: Pkg/2 Type: Penta
Set: Regular Set Viscosity: Heavy Body
ADS Item #: 450936716
Manuf Part #: 36716
SDS: Download SDS Information
Manufacturer: 3M Oral Care
Category: Impression Materials
Subcategory: Impressioning - Vinylpolysiloxane
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