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Predicta™ Bulk Bioactive Composite UniversalA1/B1

Predicta™ Bulk Bioactive Composite Universal is a bioactive, dual-cure resin composite that releases calcium, phosphate and fluoride ions to stimulate mineral apatite formation and remineralization at the material-tooth interface. It delivers a unique combination of physical and chemical properties indicated for Class I, II, III, IV and V restorations.
Contains: 1 (5 ml) syringe and 20 (17-gauge) dispensing tips
Shade: A1/B1 Type: Syringe
Size: 5 ml Shade Type: Universal

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Get 1 Predicta Bioactive Cement Free from Parkell!
Special Ends: 03/30/2025
ADS Item #: 4919S615
Manuf Part #: S615
Manufacturer: Parkell
Category: Cosmetic Restorative
Subcategory: Cosmetic Rest. - Composite Light Cure
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