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Acero™ Narrow B5 Molar Crowns Upper Right Primary First Molar Narrow Size 5 Pkg/5

Acero Narrow Crowns were developed to address the challenges of restoring primary first molars with large interproximal caries. Acero Narrow crowns maintain all the desirable traits of our popular XT and 3S molar crowns but with a 12% reduction in mesial-distal width to compensate for the space loss due to mesial drift of the 2nd primary molar.
Pkg: Pkg/5 Brand Name: Acero™
Size: 5 Compare To: D-UR-5N
Type: Upper Right Primary First Molar
ADS Item #: 4930NAB5
Manuf Part #: NAB5
Manufacturer: Acero Crowns
Category: Crown Forms
Subcategory: Crown Forms - Primary
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