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Sagemax NexxZr® T CAD/CAM Disks W98 - 12mm A4 Each

NexxZr T is a dental zirconium oxide (3Y-TZP) with very high flexural strength (1270 MPa) and medium translucency (42 %). This combination enables a maximum variety of indications for the fabrication of monolithic and anatomically reduced single-tooth and bridge restorations. The soft material quality of the discs positively affects the lifetime of the milling tools and ensures effortless separation and postprocessing. Thanks to these properties, NexxZr T provides an economic advantage for the users in the laboratory. The proven product properties of the material were honored several times with the Dental Advisor Award “Long-Term-Performer Esthetic Zirconia”. • Translucent • High Strength • Type: 3Y-TZP • Flexural strength: 1270 MPa • Translucency: 42% • Indications: Single-unit restorations up to multi-unit bridges • Processing techniques: Infiltration technique / Layering technique / Cut-back technique
Pkg: Each Type: W98
Shade: A4 Clinical Use: Laboratory fabrication of single crowns to full-arch bridges
Size: 12mm Brand Name: Sagemax NexxZr® T
ADS Item #: 5650W-32046
Manuf Part #: 697850
Manufacturer: Sagemax
Category: CAD/CAM
Subcategory: CAD/CAM - Zirconia Discs
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