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BEAUTIFIL® Bulk Flowable Universal 2.4 g Syringe Each

BEAUTIFIL® Bulk Flowable incorporates an advanced GIOMER filler technology within a bulk fill resin composite for posterior restorations. Designed for faster and easier placement with low shrinkage stress and opaque aesthetics Superior fluoride release and rechargeability High flexural strength (119 Mpa) with a low flexural modulus (9 Gpa) Self-leveling allows easy adaptation
Pkg: Each Size: 2.4 gm
Shade: Universal Type: Syringe
ADS Item #: 57402030
Manuf Part #: 2030
SDS: Download SDS Information
Manufacturer: Shofu Dental
Category: Cosmetic Restorative
Subcategory: Cosmetic Rest. - Flowables
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