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Hemostasyl™ Hemostatic Dressing Syringe Refill (2 g) Pkg/2

Hemostasyl™ stops bleeding and controls fluids without the chance of staining common to other hemostatic agents, so there is no compromise to esthetics. Excellent handling properties make it easy to place for Class V composite restorations, cementation, and scaling in perio cases. And Hemostasyl adheres well to tissue for a more efficient, economical use of material. So when moderate bleeding occurs and gingival retraction is not required - use Hemostasyl. Your patients will enjoy the pleasant taste. • Excellent handling. Non-slumping. Stays in place so only a small amount of material is required. • Safe and effective. 15% aluminum chloride paste is highly effective at controlling bleeding without staining or discoloring surrounding tissue, or risking possible cell damage. • Contrasting color. Bright turquoise blue color offers sharp contrast with soft/hard tissue to easily see the product and facilitate cleanup. • Easy application. 2g syringe with angled tip for easy access and precise placement.
Contains: 2 x (2 g) syringes
Pkg: Pkg/2 Brand Name: Hemostasyl™
Type: Paste Active Ingredients: 15% aluminum chloride
Color: Turquoise Unit Size: 2 g
ADS Item #: 5939246050
Manuf Part #: 246050
Manufacturer: Acteon North America
Category: Infection Control
Subcategory: InfectCntrl - Disposable Syringe Tips
This item is temporarily unavailable due to manufacturer backorder.
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