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Expasyl™ Gingival Retraction Paste Intro Kit

Expasyl™ Gingival Retraction Paste is a viscous, rigid paste that opens the sulcus without damaging the epithelial attachment and leaves the field dry and ready for impression taking, cementation or digital scanning. • Atraumatic retraction without lesion, bleeding or pain • Contains 15% aluminum chloride • Hemostatic and astringent properties • Alternative to dental retraction cord
Contains: 1 applicator gun, 6 capsules and 12 applicators
Pkg: Pkg/1 Brand Name: Expasyl™
Type: Paste Active Ingredients: Aluminum Chloride
ADS Item #: 5939294100
Manuf Part #: 294100
Manufacturer: Acteon North America
Category: Impression Materials
Subcategory: Impressioning - Retraction
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