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George Gauge (330-nnn) Starter Kit

Simple and easy to use with all bite registration material (wax, silicone or polyvinylsiloxane), the George Gauge accurately measures ideal mandibular position and proper vertical dimension. invaluable when it comes to correctly fabricating any appliance that changes a patient’s vertical and anterior/posterior dimension, e.g. bruxism splints, TMD relaxation splints, TMJ repositioning splints, anti-snoring appliances and functional orthodontic and orthopedic appliances.
Contains: 2x Large Bite Forks (2mm & 5mm), 2x Small Bite Forks (2mm & 5mm), 1x Gauge
Pkg: Kit Alternate Part #: 8330200
ADS Item #: 5960330-200
Manuf Part #: 330-200
Manufacturer: Space Maintainers Lab.
Category: Orthodontics
Subcategory: Ortho - Miscellaneous
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