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Pre-Formed Plain Molar Bands Lower Kit Pkg/140

For both primary and permanent dentitions. Our general purpose pediatric/adult molar bands are fully proportioned in all dimensions to ensure an easy fit. Available in a wide range of sizes 36 sizes for each tooth, from size 23 ā€“ 42 universal upper and universal lower with half sizes for every tooth. They are color-coded (red uppers ā€“ black lowers) and laser marked for easy identification. Their natural contour allows them to seat properly and resist dislodgement ā€“ a solid, stable anchor for any attachment.
Contains: (2) Bands each 23 23 1/2 24 24 1/2 25 25 1/2 26 26 1/2 27, (4) Bands each 27 1/2 28 28 1/2 29 29 1/2 30 30 1/2, (6) Bands each 31 31 1/2 32 32 1/2, (8) Bands each 33 33 1/2 34 34 1/2, (6) Bands each 35, (4) Bands each 35 1/2 36 36 1/2, (2) Bands each 37 37 1/2 38 38 1/2 39 39 1/2 40 40 1/2 ,(1) Band each 41 41 1/2 42 42 1/2
Pkg: Pkg/140 Alternate Part #: 8430112
Type: Lower
ADS Item #: 5960430-112
Manuf Part #: 430-112
Manufacturer: Space Maintainers Lab.
Category: Orthodontics
Subcategory: Ortho - Bands
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