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Pedo Jackets Anterior Crowns Right Central E5 Pkg/5

Easily sized and trimmed with scissors, these crowns adapt readily over teeth. Their thin, yet strong interproximal walls allow for multiple adjacent restorations with little or no tooth reductionā€¦and because each crown is manufactured of a co-polyester material, they will not split, stain or crack. They are bonded with dental composite (using plastic primer) and are ideal for the aesthetic replacement of upper and lower dentition. Thicker incisal edges mean longer term wear, too. Identification and sizing are easy because Pedo Jackets are made to match the standard 3M Unitek* stainless steel crowns. *Unitek is a registered trademark of the 3M Corporation
Pkg: Pkg/5 Type: Right Central
Size: E5 Alternate Part #: 8450212
ADS Item #: 5960450-212
Manuf Part #: 450-212
Manufacturer: Space Maintainers Lab.
Category: Crown Forms
Subcategory: Crown Forms - Primary
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