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Sealapex™ Xpress Root Canal Sealer Dual Syringe Pkg/2

Sealapex™ Xpress is a noneugenol, polymeric calcium hydroxide root canal sealant in a dual syringe delivery method. This formulation produces rapid healing and hard tissue formation. • Automix syringes to help simplify setup, delivery and cleanup • Offers a perfect 1:1 ratio
Contains: 2 (10.5 g) syringes
Pkg: Pkg/2 Brand Name: Sealapex™
Size: 10.5 g Active Ingredients: Polmeric Calcium Hydroxide
Type: Automix Dual Syringe
ADS Item #: 619333639
Manuf Part #: 33639
Manufacturer: Kerr Restoratives
Category: Endodontics
Subcategory: Endo - Cements & Sealers
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