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ShortCut™ GingiBraid+ Braided Retraction Cord Impregnated w/ 10% Aluminum Potassium Sulfate Size 1a Small 72 in. Each

ShortCut contains GingiBRAID+ retraction cord and has the following features: • Cord cutter built-in • Cord dispenses with a dial turn • Same amount of cord dispensed with each click • Improved infection control
Pkg: Pkg/1 Brand Name: ShortCut™ GingiBraid+
Size: 1 Small Active Ingredients: 10% Aluminum Potassium Sulfate
Type: Braided Unit Size: 72"
Color: Yellow/Purple Strand
ADS Item #: 660813731
Manuf Part #: 13731
SDS: Download SDS Information
Manufacturer: Kerr Restoratives
Category: Impression Materials
Subcategory: Impressioning - Retraction
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