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One Coat 7 Universal Bond Intro Kit

Light-cured, one-component bonding agent used with the self-etching, selectively etching or total etch technique for adhesive restoration techniques. Features: • Low-evaporation formula – no volatile acetone-based solvents that can quickly evaporate • Nanofilled technology – delivers a homogenous bond layer and improves mechanical properties • Outstanding shear bond strength • Superior marginal integrity with low risk of marginal sensitivity • One Coat 7.0 Activator – compatibility to chemical-cured materials
Contains: 1 (5 ml) bottle One Coat 7 universal bond, 1 (2.5 ml) etchant gel S, 20 application tips, 50 black brushes, 1 mixing well and 1 cover
Pkg: Kit
ADS Item #: 683160019538
Manuf Part #: 60019538
Manufacturer: Coltene
Category: Cosmetic Restorative
Subcategory: Cosmetic Rest. - Bonding
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